Saturday, June 9, 2012

Manga Review: Bleach 495

S: First I would like to thank you guys for being patient and constantly checking back to the site for updates. We've finally gotten our internet! We've had it for a few days and I wanted to update sooner however I had to take care of my school work first (Summer classes suck ass). Anyway, everything's back on track now and I'm going to be releasing reviews regularly. SHOUT OUT to readers in France and Thailand, I've gotten the biggest response from you, much <3!

SPOILER ALERT!!! This review of Bleach 49 will contain spoilers! If you haven't read the new chapter click HERE!

Ah man, the yaoi writes itself lol
OH LAWD! They done killed off Kira!!! (in my country voice) Honestly, Kira was never really one of my favorites, he was average looking and I couldn't get into his personality. However, that doesn't mean I didn't like him. He was a good fighter and friend, and although he wasn't as likable as other finer characters he was still recognizable. I can't say I wont miss him, but his death isn't really that big of a deal to me. But to his captain? That's a pretty big fucking deal.

Former (current?) Vizard and reinstated 3rd squad captain Rojuro Otoribashi, or Rose, was not happy about it and let his opponent Sternritter "U", NaNaNa Najakeen (that's seriously his name...), know that he was going to die. Meanwhile, Renji's fight against Sternritter "F", As Nodt, and Komamura's fight against Sternritter "E", Bambietta Basterbine (say that 10x fast), is about to begin. Actually, it looks like everybody's gearing up to fight, as they show Shuuhei,  Shunsui, Soifon, Ukitake, and Toshiro and their Sternritter opponents.

Renji's fight doesn't seem to be getting anywhere, as As Nodt isn't to effected by any of his attacks. But then again, Renji is only using his shikai and that aint shit compared to the power that the Sternritter's have. As he plans on attacking again, another Sternritter comes from out of nowhere and attacks him from behind. Byakuya comes to the rescue just as the other Sternritter is about to land a blow. Let me just say that Byakuya is too fuckin cool, because he came in like "Renji, wtf are you doing? Stop pussy footing around and go all out on these hoes."

Man, shit is about to get real. What do you guys think about this chapter? How do you feel about Kira's death? And who do you think will die in later chapters? All I know is, if Renji dies I may not read Bleach for a while...

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