Sunday, May 20, 2012

Manga Review: Fairy Tail 283

SPOILER ALERT!!! This review of Fairy Tail 283 will contain spoilers! If you haven't read the new chapter click HERE.

As you know, in the last chapter we left off with Natsu about to go ape shit on Sabertooth for humiliating and disowning their former "nakama" Yukino, and in this chapter Natsu does not disappoint. He pretty much kicked the door down and said "Fuck yall, where yo boss at?" and proceeded to beat ass until the master of the guild, Gemma, came out.

Obviously Natsu is a force to be reckoned with, however, I was not expecting him to "win" so easily. Even though Fairy Tail A was able to play catch up using Ultear's time magic after their seven year hiatus, it was still a seven year hiatus. Not only that, but from what we've been shown so far Sabertooth is supposed to be this ridiculously strong guild. Although we only got a glimpse of their power in previous chapters, Rogue and Sting are supposed to be these super strong, dragon magic using, killed-the-dragon-that-taught-me-now-I'm-a-bad-bitch dragon slayers. Now if they're that strong then I expect the leader of their guild to be even stronger, yet... he was getting his ass handed to him on a silver platter..? I'm confused to say the least but definitely looking forward to what he's going to do later!

But back to the ass beating Natsu doesn't let Gemma get a punch in. He's just relentlessly snatching him up, and just as he's about to use this really powerful blow, Minerva*, the actual 5th player that Yukino was subbing for, steps in to stop it. As soon as they show her I can tell she's a bad bitch. As of now we don't know much of  anything about her, but I can't wait to see how she does in the tournament. I feel like she's either going to defeat Mermaid Heel's Kagura or fight with Erza, but that's just my prediction. (Notice I said "defeat" Kagura and "fight" Erza)

Now lets talk about Natsu's last move that Minerva interrupted, the Raienryuu Hono: Gekitetsu or Dragon's Lightning Flame: Iron Strike (Note that they had JONO instead of HONO in the scan, just saying). Apparently Natsu has either adapted some use of lightning into his regularly flame type dragon magic or he has some lightning left over from when the sexiness that is Laxus gave him the rest of his power to defeat the previous Fairy Tail master. Either way, the attack looks like it could have been bad ass! And it doesn't look like Natsu is suffering any aftereffects either so it could be a permanent move.

Anyway, the chapter ends with Natsu walking away from the fight after Minerva holds Happy hostage. I can't wait until the next chapter, hopefully we get to see how Fairy Tail reacts to Natsu's spontaneity.

How did you feel about this chapter? And what are your predictions for the upcoming chapters? Let me know in the comments below!

*Whenever I think of Minerva I think of Harry Potter haha

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