Sunday, May 20, 2012

Manga Review: Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler) 69

SPOILER ALERT!!! This review contains spoilers from Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler) 69! If you haven't read the new chapter click HERE!

Ooohh hohoho! Sooo many things I could say! Look, we all know Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler is trap city for those of you who just can't resist but man did they lay it on THICK in this chapter! In the last chapter we learned that a "Fag" is someone who serves/is a butler to/is somewhat of a little brother to an upperclassmen. In this chapter we follow Ciel has he (aka Sebastian) tries to please Clayton, the fag of P4 member Lawerence Bluer (head of Blue House), and become his fag in order to get on the good side of the Prefects.

Shady bitch
Let's stop here for a sec and talk about the use of the word "fag". Obviously Kuroshitsuji is a suggested shonen-ai manga, but since there's no kissing, groping, or romance between males we can't exactly call it that. It's not even labeled as shonen-ai on mangareader, mangafox, mangahere, or one manga but, rather, it's labeled as shonen. I'm not sure what exactly qualifies this as shonen it could be the gore but I digress. Now, personally, I think this is a little joke that Toboso Yana made for us readers. I'm not sure about the rest of the world but where I come from "fag", even though it has negative connotations, refers to a homosexual male. All of us Black Butler readers know that there're some not-so-hetero scenes in this manga and so the use of the word "fag" gives us even more reason to categorize this as a shonen-ai. Either way, having Ciel so determined to become Clayton's fag in this chapter gave me a nice chuckle. I can always appreciate some good rhetoric.

Moving on, Clayton becomes so impressed with Ciel that he mentions how good he is to the P4 members and their fags. Because they're so interested in him and his capability they invite him to their private Swan Gazebo at 2pm. The messenger sent is this shady jealous bitch Maurice Cole, Edgar Redmond's fag, who gives him the wrong time and Ciel shows up 2 hours late! Only the fags are there to "greet" him when he arrives and so Ciel loses his good reputation that Sebastian he'd made with the P4 members. Of course Ciel is pissed and we leave off with him swearing he'll get back at Maurice for making him late.

That's the end of this chapter and the next chapter should come out next month. I wish I had some predictions for this manga but nothing comes to mind. Right now we don't have enough information but obviously Gregory Violet, Prefect for Violet Wolf, the other P4 members, and the Principle have something to do with the disappearing students. I think it might be some type of weird ritual that's "tradition", which is so heavily stressed by the school, that's making the students disappear but who knows.

What are some of your predictions? Do you think Edward Midford, fag of P4 member Herman Greenhill and Elizabeth's (Ciel's fiance) older brother, has anything to do with it? Comment and let me know.

[Source for Pictures]


  1. dude every time I read fag in the manga, it cracked me up. Here in North America it might have a different connotation than what it did in Victorian times though, so maybe it's historically accurate, but then again I can't say, I didn't do any research on this matter. But still, cracked me up.

  2. It is historically accurate. In Britain, the term "fag" was often associated with cigarettes but during the Victorian Era, it was the name for a younger boy that was "chosen" to be an older boy's helper, such as assisting with chores, cleaning his room, organizing, doing tasks so that the older boy could study, errands, etc. This was a tradition in these aristocratic Victorian schools. Here's a link.

  3. For more updated chapters, at Enjoy reading
