Saturday, June 9, 2012

Manga Review: Bleach 495

S: First I would like to thank you guys for being patient and constantly checking back to the site for updates. We've finally gotten our internet! We've had it for a few days and I wanted to update sooner however I had to take care of my school work first (Summer classes suck ass). Anyway, everything's back on track now and I'm going to be releasing reviews regularly. SHOUT OUT to readers in France and Thailand, I've gotten the biggest response from you, much <3!

SPOILER ALERT!!! This review of Bleach 49 will contain spoilers! If you haven't read the new chapter click HERE!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Dearest Readers

I know I don't have a lot of continuous readers as of now but if you have been checking back for reviews on Fairy Tail, Naruto, Bleach, or any other manga then I'd like to inform you that I've moved to Chicago for the Summer and the current place I'm staying at doesn't have internet access. We're "in the process" of getting it (honestly the service provider is bs-ing around :/) so I probably wont be able to review any recently released chapters. Hopefully I can start back up again next week!

If you're wondering how I'm posting this, Google has a Blogger App and I just so happen to have a smart phone. And while it is quite possible for me to update via my cellular device, they don't give me as many options as they would if I were to use an actual laptop. But hopefully i'll have internet access by at least Wednesday… hopefully :( Until then, chao.


Saturday, May 26, 2012

Manga Review: Vampire Knight 83

SPOILER ALERT!!! This review of Vampire Knight 83 contains spoilers! If you haven't read the new chapter click HERE!

Look, I know I was pretty harsh on the last chapter of VK but let me just say in the very beginnings of the new chapter I lmfao'd at Ruka's situation! Kaname pretty much said "You got in my way, get the fuck up out my face" and hoe'd her life. Maybe I sound cruel, but I never liked nor sympathized with her. To me, she's always been "back dooring", serving Kaname and waiting in the shadows for him and Yuki to be over. That's shady shit that gets you in trouble and sure enough it came around and bit her in the ass. I felt no shame laughing at her, but Kain obviously cares about her and fed her Yuki's blood via mouth to mouth in order to restore her strength.

Manga Review: Beelzebub 157

SPOILER ALERT!!! This review of Beelzebub 157 will contain spoilers! If you haven't read the new chapter click HERE!

This chapter of Beelzebub was kept nice and cute with a sprinkle of funny. To be honest, I'm really not here for Beelzebub's action because, to me, the art is only so so, however this manga is hilarious and that's really the only thing that keeps me coming back. But anyway,we see in this chapter Kunieda not quite asking Oga out on a date by inviting Beel to go see the Rice Boy Hero Show with her little brother. Of course Oga, much to Furuichi's dismay, is too dense to know the underlining meaning of Kunida's invitation and accepts.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Manga Review: Naruto 587

SPOILER ALERT!!! This review of Naruto 587 contains spoilers! If you haven't read the new chapter click HERE!

This chapter of Naruto was... boring. Other than some pathos appeal we really don't get anything except for a long explanation on the difference between Izanami and Izanagi (which you can read for yourselves cause I'm NOT summarizing that confusing shit).

In the last chapter Itachi trapped Kabuto in Izanami, a kinjustsu that creates an infinite loop. In this chapter we get a long drawn out explanation of how Izanami and Izanagi differ from each other. Itachi explains that the point of Izanami being created was so that Uchiha's who could use Izanagi wouldn't become arrogant and boast that they're perfect. He explains that he used to believe he was perfect, that he didn't have to rely on anyone's strength, but realized his mistakes and died before he could correct them. Of course Sasuke insist that Itachi was perfect (I swear, this Anicom* he has is just...) but Itachi poses an interesting perspective.

Manga Review: Bleach 493

SPOILER ALERT!!! This review of Bleach 493 will contain spoilers! If you haven't read the new chapter click HERE!!!

Welp! Shit is finally starting to go down in the final arc of Bleach. Not much other than fighting happens in the new chapter but we can all agree that a good fight scene is always exciting. We left off in the last chapter with the Tres Bestia (3 Beast) creating this monster Ayon with their left arms. For a moment it seemed like Kirge was getting that ass handed to him, however, even with what looked like a broken neck, he got up calmly and prepared his next attack against the beast.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Manga Review: Vampire Knight 82

SPOILER ALERT!!! This review of Vampire Knight 82 will contain spoilers! If you haven't read the new chapter click HERE!

Kaname came in READY to slay.
[Big Fat SIGH] At this point I don't even know wtf is going on anymore. Honestly, I'm just reading it because I'm all caught up in the series and have nothing better to do. Chapter 82 of Vampire Knight starts with Kaname invading the Vampire Hunter headquarters, presumably to kill Shirabuki Sara. Just as Kaname enters and takes a few steps into the compound, Zero comes flying from the ceiling with his weapon Bloody Rose. They do some talking, blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda, somewhere in there Zero claims that he's his own master.

We know that Zero has been fighting his vampire urges since the beginning of the series because he was once a vampire hunter and was turned into a vampire by a pureblood. He's been slowly descending into a "level E" (I think that's what it's called) vampire, meaning that eventually he'll lose all sense of reason and only live to feed his vampire urges. Way earlier in the series the blood tablets weren't enough to satisfy him and he began "feeding" on Yuki. Yuki is a pureblood as well and I believe she contains some of Kaname's blood. So all this time Zero has been indirectly drinking Kaname's blood.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Manga Review: Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler) 69

SPOILER ALERT!!! This review contains spoilers from Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler) 69! If you haven't read the new chapter click HERE!

Ooohh hohoho! Sooo many things I could say! Look, we all know Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler is trap city for those of you who just can't resist but man did they lay it on THICK in this chapter! In the last chapter we learned that a "Fag" is someone who serves/is a butler to/is somewhat of a little brother to an upperclassmen. In this chapter we follow Ciel has he (aka Sebastian) tries to please Clayton, the fag of P4 member Lawerence Bluer (head of Blue House), and become his fag in order to get on the good side of the Prefects.

Manga Review: Fairy Tail 283

SPOILER ALERT!!! This review of Fairy Tail 283 will contain spoilers! If you haven't read the new chapter click HERE.

As you know, in the last chapter we left off with Natsu about to go ape shit on Sabertooth for humiliating and disowning their former "nakama" Yukino, and in this chapter Natsu does not disappoint. He pretty much kicked the door down and said "Fuck yall, where yo boss at?" and proceeded to beat ass until the master of the guild, Gemma, came out.